When researching WGSN it was hard to find a trend that was similar to the 1950's trend in Funny Face. However i found a trend called 50's Twist: Catwalk Capsule trend inspired by the 1950's for S/S 12.

"This playful capsule trend revisits the 50s archive for silhouette inspiration and discovers defined waistlines, dirndl skirts and cropped tops. A palette of candy-coated pastels and quirky conversational prints, give these feminine, ladylike looks a feel-good factor. Be inspired by Marilyn Monroe and picture-postcard holidays."
This led me to look at how designers have incorporated the trend and used it to create a trend for S/S 12. In the trend they have used prints on material with fruit and veg. For example

As you can see WGSN has tried to include patterns from the 1950's, however during the shoot we preferred using plain clothing as during the majority of the film thats what she wears. Here is a picture showing one of the garments Audrey Hepburn wears highlighting the fruit and veg pattern trend:

Also in the trend it highlights key details of the style of clothing, including ways that the material is made where the waist line is. Sometimes it was twisted round or had material coming down, which is highlighted in the picture above. Here are two examples of how different designers incorporated the 1950's style:

During the photo shoot all three dresses came in at the waist then flared out to highlight the style of dress worn in the 1950's and Audrey Hepburn wore this style in the film. We used a mixture of light pastel colours so that the clothing didn't overwhelm the picture and stand out above the location. Also the trend highlights pastel colours, showing the type of colours that were worn in the 1950's.