Note: Style of coat, Top Hat,Shoes,Umberella
A selection of promotion shots for Funny face of Astaire Photographing
Hepburn. Note the black trousers, Bowler shoes and cream cardigan Astaire
is wearing. This style sticks with him throughout the film, often accompanied by
an old camera around his neck.
Hepburn. Note the black trousers, Bowler shoes and cream cardigan Astaire
is wearing. This style sticks with him throughout the film, often accompanied by
an old camera around his neck.
A Childhood shot of Astaire just starting out
Astaire's perculiar look and big ears meant he wasn't classed as the most handsome of men so he relied on his style which soon became his trade mark especially his top hat. His attention to detail with impeccably tailored blazers and slacks that were finished off with a perfectly tied cravat and fedora was essential during the 1940s. He was part of an age when men actually dressed like men.
Here are some more examples of 1940's-1950's male fashion
Singing in the rain's Gene Kelly had a very similar style to Astaire often wearing a hat tilted to one side and two piece suit with either tie or bow tie

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