I have picked out a few items from my wardrobe that we maybe could use in our photo shoots or give us an idea of what style we are looking for.
The bookshop photo:

This dress I fort would go nice with the style of shoot we where thinking for the bookshop, it is the pretty prom like dress we wanted but yet still in a dark colour.
The Cafe photo:

For this image we decided a brightly coloured dress would look nice and stand out in the Cafe. I really like the colour of this dress but if only it stuck out at the waist to create a more 1950's style.
The outdoor water photo:

These are the style of pants we where thinking of using for this image, I think they will go nice with little dolly shoes to show off Audrey's casual side. I think paired with this peter pan collar top would complete the outfit.
Outdoor photo with Fred Astaire

For this image we decided to focus on the trench coat. I like the style of this one but think it should be longer in length. This can just give us idea of what where looking for.
I really like all these! They'd all look great! Especially the collared top and trousers!